Melissa has extensive experience in commercial, corporate and insolvency litigation matters.
Melissa’s recent experience includes acting in class action proceedings against the Murray Darling Basin Authority; prosecuting matters on behalf of large national corporates and high net worth individuals in a range of corporation litigation, including breaches of trust, fiduciary duties, directors duties and multiple breaches of the Corporations Act as well as acting in a number of trust, equity, banking and finance, insolvency, property and consumer and competition related disputes.
Phone : +61 419 467 558
Banton Group is an incorporated legal practice, and not a partnership. References to ‘partners’ of Banton Group are references to title only.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Level 12, 60 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000
Ph: +61 2 8076 8090
Level 40, 140 William Street, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Ph: +61 03 9229 3948